Welcome! My name is Ken Aldrich and I am a serial entrepreneur and funder of seed stage companies. What that means is that I have founded a series of new companies on my own or with partners (11 to be exact) and have also been a source of financing for more than 50 startups founded and managed by others.
I have prepared and reviewed a wide variety of business plans, interviewed the founders (or been one myself) and have seen what worked and what didn’t work as people tried to make their dreams a reality. Three critical things have become apparent:
1. Success has little to do with race, gender, or where the founder started on the economic ladder.
2. Academic degrees don’t matter much, but broad-based knowledge and intellectual curiosity matter a lot. More specifically, skills in the use of language to persuade and inform, basic experience in the world of business, and specific skills related to the dream itself are critical.
3. Finally, a passionate desire to create something new and valuable to the world is an almost essential ingredient.
This is the framework in which I have created the videocasts that make up The Dream Toolbox. I hope you will watch or listen, and that you find them helpful.